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Best Dress & Party Balloons, Pt. 3

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Best Dress & Party Balloons (Watercolour)
Best Dress & Party Balloons (Watercolour)

It’s been another busy work day but I found an hour towards the end (while there was still enough light) to add a little bit more to my painting of Rhona, Jim’s niece. I was finally brave enough to paint the wriggly strokes to create her hair and it’s made such a difference! I’m very pleased that it looks shiny and you can even imagine those brush strokes are ringlets – if you get close enough you can tell, they’re not really 😛

I also improved some of the flesh tones in her arms, giving them more life, and also her ankles. Which I now think need to go a just bit darker because they’re in shade under her skirts. But, I’m possibly just fussing at this stage.

And the smallest brush to suggest the petals of the roses in her hair… and that might be a good time to stop.

4 thoughts on “Best Dress & Party Balloons, Pt. 3”

  1. Kerry, you have captured the event and Rhona perfectly.
    She recognised herself and the wedding straight away.
    Absolutely love it.


      1. Hi Kerry, you really have got Rhona just right, How big a picture is it? It’s wonderful, you have so much talent xx 🙂

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