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Brancaster Beach, Pt. 2

Brancaster Beach (Watercolour)
Brancaster Beach (Watercolour)

So now you can see the full extent of the scene at Brancaster beach – there’s quite a lot of sand there 🙂 . I thought it would be interesting to try a landscape that’s actually portrait, and I hoped that it might give a better impression of the scale of things.

Again, I’m impressed how much better it looks on the PC, I hope I can pick up what it is that’s different and introduce it to the original – maybe it’s just slightly higher contrast, or the vibrancy of the colours… or maybe I’m just not standing far enough away from the original 🙂 this image is smaller and therefore looks more condensed.

Now I have to work out what to do next… I need to define the breaking edge of the water better but have no idea how, and the sand will need more work too. After that I suspect there’ll be just one or two tweaks to do in the distance – does it need a point of interest? I’m not sure…