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Day 155: Digital Oriental Lily

Oriental Lily (Digital Sketch)
Oriental Lily (Digital Sketch)

As I mentioned yesterday I’m back in the working world at the moment, at least a for few days a week (yeah, part timer!) and this means no daylight in which to sit and paint: being winter it’s already dark when I get home.

It’s a great opportunity to brush up my digital skills and try to better master drawing on my Android tablet. I find it quite tricky… you’re either using your finger – oddly enough, not a great tool – or a stylus that’s almost as fat and much less sensitive. I know it’s only a matter of practice so I’m not really blaming the tools, it’s me. I don’t do it often enough to be polished :-). Of course, this has it’s benefits too because it’s virtually impossible for me to be tight and controlled using a blunt stick!

So I sat tonight with a vase of flowers between me and the telly, in semi darkness, and drew/painted for a good hour and a half. I have one blossom to show for all this effort, but it’s not bad for a finger painting 😛 (I did use a stylus).

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