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Day 245: Exercising Looseness

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Loose Narcissi (Watercolour)
Loose Narcissi (Watercolour)

You can probably tell I’ve been dipping into my new book again by Jean Haines today, with this exercise on painting positive and negative shapes – something I need lots of help and practice with!

I really should finish the Bluebells, but I’ve let it drag on too long and made so much of the background that, unfortunately, I’m a bit unenthusiastic now. I don’t know how I’m going to make the pale flowers stand out against such a busy background – I know, it’s a bit late to realise that now, after spending so long on it.

So I jumped into something else 🙂 This was great fun to do, beautifully explained and simple enough that I was almost able to stop myself fiddling and overworking it while it was drying. I’m very pleased with the results, even though if you look carefully you’ll see I didn’t analyse my subjects properly and we have one Narcissus with too many petals!