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Day 305: Paddle Plant, Day 2

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Paddle Plant (Watercolour)
Paddle Plant (Watercolour)

The most exciting thing that’s happened today is rain, lots of it :-). We’ve had so little so far this Spring that I’m actually really glad to see it, and I’m sure the garden appreciates it too. Even Flint didn’t mind getting wet this morning when I kicked him out the back door :-P.

Practise-wise I’ve spent an hour or so adding more leaves to my Paddle Plant painting, until it got too tedious and I decided to call it a day… it’s quite repetitive after the fun of the first few. I suppose I could be productive and let my mind wander to what I could do with the background – the original photo had a gravel path and a hedge, but I’m not sure how that would work, and I’ll have to consider suitable colours too.