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Life Drawing at the Camelot

Life Drawing (graphite)
Life Drawing (graphite)

This Wednesday night found me back at the Camelot Lounge for their regular Life Drawing sessions. It’s been disappointing missing the last few weeks and so it was good to be back, even if keeping up with the five minute poses at the beginning was rather confronting! It’s horrifying how quickly your hand forgets how to communicate with your eyes and brain.

The pose pictured was one of the final set and had the benefit of a full fifteen minutes, hence I managed to get some shading done as well as an outline. Despite that extra time she still hasn’t got a face, and her leg is far more foreshortened than the angle called for – you can easily tell the bits I leave until last because I find them hardest!

I was also fascinated to find that the model this time gave me challenges I hadn’t encountered before, being a larger lady with a beautiful curvy body. All my previous experience has been with thinner subjects, so my usual method of estimating and mapping out the distances between significant landmarks, edges or shapes suddenly didn’t work so well because all the gaps were larger. I was surprised what a difference it made to my ability to measure.

Anyway, it was a hugely beneficial exercise and very rewarding in the end… so here’s to trying an increasing variety of shapes and sizes in models in the future 🙂 .


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