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Soft Summer Roses, Pt. 4

Soft Summer Roses (Watercolour)
Soft Summer Roses (Watercolour)

What a lovely end to the week! I’ve spent an hour or so this afternoon building up the petals of the top rose, adding shadows and extra depths of yellow to the heart of the flower, and then also adding some foliage here and there.

I have to admit I’m thoroughly pleased with this picture… it’s so unlike anything I would normally expect to produce… not in the subject matter because I love roses, but it’s so much more delicate and also looser – probably because I managed it without any drawing, absolutely no pencil outlines! That obviously helps immensely, and means it doesn’t look like a paint by numbers :-).

So it must be time for a Friday evening, had a great day, end of the week type celebration – See you at the pub, first drink’s on me 😉

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