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Day 132: Distant Hills

Distant Hills (Watercolour)
Distant Hills (Watercolour)

I’ve been throwing my efforts today into trying to finish the renovations in our bedroom and have spent hours up the ladder preparing the cornice for painting – hopefully this is almost the last stage. As a result all yesterday’s ideas of starting a new piece of artwork were put on hold for now.

Instead I finished off the dry stone wall seen here. The practice of the weekend has definitely had a positive effect as I settled into it really quickly and I reckon these last few stones are much better than the earlier ones – typical to just get it right as it’s finished 😛 – I managed some lovely dry brush strokes on one of the rocks (3 cheers for less water!).

Tomorrow I’m off to do my stint at the PCA Gallery so I won’t have much time for painting again… maybe I’ll try doing something on the train again.