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Day 21: On not giving up…. or the Crocus returns?

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Crocuses Phase 2 (Watercolour)
Crocuses Phase 2 (Watercolour)


Over recent years I’ve realised that I don’t like failing… I know that in the past this has actually prevented me doing lots of things – whether or not I was aware of the thought process I would often choose to abstain or avoid something rather than face the possibility of it (or more truthfully, me) failing.

I’m now finding that this daily painting challenge has created a situation where I’m faced with the possibility of failure on a daily basis, and with a commitment to share everything the past two days have been frustrating and difficult. Hopefully this is good for me, it’s certainly making me confront some devils!

So anyway, after the problems yesterday I didn’t just leave it behind and move onto something new, true to form I tried to mend it. I ran that painting under the tap, removed a lot of the paint and let it dry, and with what remained I tried again today.

Who can say if this aspect of my personality is an asset or not, I suppose it depends on the circumstances… anyway, here are the results of my not giving up this time. I think it’s an improvement, if not exactly a success yet. However, I am now ready to let this page go… even if it’s just to start with a totally fresh one.