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Day 271:Summer Pastels – Snapdragons

Snapdragons (Watercolour)
Snapdragons (Watercolour)

While I was shopping for necessities for our High Tea yesterday (strawberries, cream….) I decided to pick up a bunch of flowers for the table too and discovered some amazing stems of Snapdragons in the supermarket. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen them sold as a cut flower and they were spectacular, two foot long stems of pale pink and cream petals – the perfect thing for a sunny afternoon tea!

Today the vase of Snapdragons are the only thing left standing on the garden table and they were crying out to be painted :-). I’ve had some fun dropping pastel colours into a wet page as a preliminary wash and hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to pick out some details and create a field of flowers – a vase and five stems seemed a bit static, perhaps because it’s a breezy, sunny day, so I’ve gone with something a bit more natural. Maybe I’ll try a more realistic arrangement with the vase as well if this doesn’t work out as hoped.