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Day 333: Hungry Sparrows

Hungry Sparrows (Graphite)
Hungry Sparrows (Graphite)

Anyone who’s been following my progress may think tonight’s post looks a little bit familiar, and you’d be right… I sketched the middle sparrow right at the beginning of the year, on it’s own, as I didn’t feel confident tackling all of them.

It seems I was right to hesitate… even after a year of practice I found this taxed my skills and patience, and I got the scale all wrong. As Jim (my most honest critic!) quite rightly pointed out the far left sparrow is actually the right size and the right hand guy too, but the middle guy is too big (and off balance). For this reason I’ve also lost the illusion of the chair receding on an angle because middle one throws it out. And I can hear my Chinese teacher’s voice telling me the middle sparrow’s leg is in the wrong place & he would fall off the chair!