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Day 4: More Red Gum & some Potted Cat

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Red Gum underwash (watercolour)
Red Gum underwash (watercolour)


Today I continued with more practice of Red Gum, trying to slow things down and not finish it all in one go this time… just need to be a bit more patient. I began two more small studies using Alizarin Crimson and Bismuth Yellow, one of which I’ve scanned in here, both were fairly splodgy. Again I’ve applied masking fluid for the highlights (I don’t think it shows up too well here), this time it’s on top of the initial coloured wash so they won’t be glaring white when it’s removed.

PottedCatWhile the Red Gum samples were drying I started thinking about another subject that’s been on my mind for ages… there’s a very dainty white cat up the street who often curls up in a neighbours stone planter. He/she’s a perfect fit and looks so comfortable – if a little bit bizarre. I thought it might be a good project to practise backgrounds & greens so I transferred a pencil outline to a sheet of watercolour paper from a photo I took.

Here we have a first wash of Hookers Green light, and Hookers Green dark with a little of the Bismuth Yellow added. I also softened the side of the pot & cat that are in shadow.

Tomorrow I have to think how to make the greens look more like foliage. Maybe I can find a video tutorial or two to help point me in the right direction. I have an idea that the stone might work well using either a sponge for texture or a little salt, and I’m hoping that the cat will wander off before I have to try painting it!