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Day 88: Spring Woodland, Pt. 3

Spring Woodland (Watercolour)
Spring Woodland (Watercolour)

I was starting to get confused by the space yesterday so all I’ve done today is add a few more foreground tree trunks to help me make sense of the depth and scale. It’s certainly easier to see how things fit together now, however, I hope I can still add mid-distance leaves now I’ve put something in front of them.

I’m also having problems again with green. I previously had trouble mixing realistic greens, but now it seems to be the only thing coming off my brush! I know the tree trunks need much more variety in their shades – you wouldn’t believe the additional blues, reds and browns I’ve added…. and yet they still all look green! In the end I stopped, frustrated and tired. Best to sleep on it and try again tomorrow, because in that frame of mind I’ll just keep adding and adding until it gets all muddy and flat.