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Playing in the Pumpkin Patch

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Pumpkin Patch (Watercolour)
Pumpkin Patch (Watercolour)

This will be another quick post as it’s already close to 1 o’clock in the morning… after an early evening comedy show we sat down to watch the Australian recording of the Eurovision Song Contest and it’s only just finished. As usual, it was highly entertaining for all the wrong reasons 😀 .

Today’s practise piece is taken straight out of our garden – we’ve got a rogue Pumpkin plant that self seeded from our compost and it has about seven pumpkins on it at last count – Jim says we may need to make more friends to help us eat them!

As you all probably know, I’ve been less than happy with the amount of time I’ve been able to spend painting lately, and then when I’ve had time to paint I’ve been a bit disappointed by the results… as I keep saying (or complaining), lack of practise really makes a huge difference. When I left this to go out at teatime today I wasn’t too impressed either, but looking at it after a break it’s not so bad and I’m very, very pleased to have done anything at all.

I’m learning that in any difficult pursuit there are times when it would be soooo easy to give in to distractions, make excuses, and not go back to it because you’d have to start relearning all over again. That’s why I’m happy when I manage to remind myself that even just dabbling for an hour is an accomplishment 🙂 .