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Sisters, Pt. 3

Sisters (Watercolour)
Sisters (Watercolour)

Two whole days without any progress on this painting – or any painting for that matter – and I’d really like to finish this one by the weekend so I can put it in an exhibition we Committee Members are holding at Project next week… so it was lovely to grab an hour this afternoon while our house guest relaxed on the sofa, on our front porch, with a book.

For someone who’s just flown for 24 hours Jim’s Mum is amazingly bright and lively today, absolutely no sign of jetlag at all so far. Unfortunately this has caught me by surprise and lots of the things I was going to catch up on today got neglected 🙂 .

Not the painting though (two days gap is long enough) and I’m pleased with both the progress and the colours today. It’s looking a bit pale but that will build with the layers of washes to come.