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Day 344: The First Ripe Tomato – Thanks Dad!

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The First Tomato (Watercolour)
The First Tomato (Watercolour)

After painting the green tomatoes in my garden yesterday  I was surprised to find a single ripe one today, hidden amongst all the foliage. And it’s a whopper!

So tonight’s post is in honour of my Dad who planted them all while he was here in October. They have really flourished, despite me not following the strict instructions to water and feed at particular times, in the correct way…. They have been regularly watered, but never fed – I can only attribute their vastness to the amazing compost we had to plant them in (made from our own kitchen waste). If only you were here still to share them Dad 🙂

And for Mum’s sake, who spent the same day planting lavender, fuchsia, bay trees and nasturtium, they’re all doing well (except the nasturtium which are a bit too shady) and the garden is looking wonderful! …. I just need to cut the grass 😛


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