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Plein Air Painting on the Couch

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Plein Air Roses (Watercolour)
Plein Air Roses (Watercolour)

It’s been such a beautiful day today that I decided to switch my day around and paint before working… what’s more, I grabbed a handful of portable supplies and headed into the front garden to study what might be the last three roses we get this year.

I think this rose bush has been in the garden for a very long time, many years before we moved in… the stump is quite large and gnarled and it grows tall long stem red roses with the most amazing sweet, heady scent – it was a joy to sit for an hour and dabble 🙂 .

The session did deteriorate into quite a bit of fiddling as I was working on a small Watercolour pad, one that I haven’t used before, and the paper was difficult to get used to. Luckily paint lifted out nicely from it so I just played with marks, adding and lifting, pushing the paint around. Not at all loose and flowing but fun anyway, painting by feel rather than using my brain to understand what was happening and decide what action to take next.

And I never did get back to the work I was supposed to do….

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