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Recovering Some Discipline

Blue Heron (graphite)
Blue Heron (graphite)

I discovered a little bit of willpower this evening and actually pulled out my sketch pad to exercise some pencil strokes with this Blue heron referenced from Angeline Rijkeboer on…. you’ve possibly noticed that I’m finding it difficult to get into any kind of routine at the moment, or maybe I should be really honest and say ‘this year’.

I have lots of excuses – it’s too cold to concentrate (or sit still), work is too busy, I have my mind on other things – all of which are true, but they are just excuses. Well, it’s time for a shake up. So, I’m setting up a new workspace in our spare bedroom. It’s not as bright as the kitchen but it’s easier to heat – and I went out today to look for a heater for said room. I also reminded myself tonight that I can sketch in artificial light, with the TV on, by sketching this Blue Heron.

I’m planning on working in babysteps to begin with, so in good rehabilitation form let’s see if I can make it two days in a row and come up with something tomorrow as well 😛

1 thought on “Recovering Some Discipline”

  1. Well done you. Someone told me once that when you ‘fall off the wagon’ for whatever reason, even if you feel the wagon is now miles ahead of you and you’ll ‘never manage’ to get back on again….well this wagon is a magic one. And all you have to do is go, ‘right, i’m back on again’ and it’s there, right there with you, waiting. All you have to do is climb back on. And often there are others on the wagon reaching down to help you back on. Thought you might enjoy this image…xx

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